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Surf’s Up ISR







Why choose ISR?

ISR’s unique results are achieved through fully ​customized, safe and effective, one-on-one lessons with ​only your child and the Instructor in the water. What ​your child will learn, and the way he or she will learn it, ​is what makes ISR so different from traditional ​swimming lessons. Always putting safety first, ISR ​emphasizes competence, which leads to confidence, ​and provides the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment ​in and around the water.

What is our mission?

Drowning is the number one cause of accidental death for children ​under the age of 4 in the United States. Infant Swimming Resource, ​with over 50 years of research and development in drowning ​prevention and aquatic survival instruction, is striving to change this ​statistic.

Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) can teach your little one to become ​an aquatic problem solver and an effective swimmer or floater in any ​depth of water. Consider that most infants and toddlers love the ​water, and the situation begs the question - would your child know ​what to do if they found themselves in the water alone?

Empower your child by enrolling them in ISR’s Self-Rescue program.

About Lessons

Rollback to float

(Generally 6-18 months old) All students, even ​those as young as 6 months old, learn the ​fundamental ISR skill of rolling onto their backs ​to float, rest, and breathe. Infants and toddlers ​who are not yet walking well will learn to ​maintain this position until help can reach them, ​and it's just as important for our older students ​as they incorporate more swimming skills.


(Generally 1.5-6 years old) As toddlers and ​young children gain more physical skills on ​land, they are ready to learn more skills in the ​water as well. ISR teaches children to swim a ​short distance, rotate onto their back to a ​floating position, and then turn over to ​continue the sequence of swimming and ​floating until they can reach safety at the ​steps, side of the pool, or shoreline.

Our Swim Families

Surfs up ISR was an amazing ​experience and I am so grateful for ​the skills ivy and dalton taught my ​son . They are so informational and ​hands on I couldn’t recommend ​them anymore . They are so good ​with kids and making them feel so ​comfortable even when it’s a scary ​skill to be learning it was always so ​fun ! We can’t wait to continue ​coming and learning and for when ​we can bring little sister to learn ! ​It’s such an invaluable skill that will ​help you feel so secure in your ​child’s safety !

Megan Conover

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I enrolled my child at Surf’s Up ISR and I ​am beyond impressed with the results. ​The instructors are highly trained, ​professional, and genuinely care about ​the safety and progress of each child. ​After the 6 week lesson, my child gained ​confidence in the water and learned ​essential survival skills. I highly ​recommend Surf’s Up ISR for any parent ​looking to equip their child with life-​saving swimming skills. It has been an ​incredible and reassuring experience!

Maddie Pittman

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We are absolutely thrilled with the incredible ISR experience our ​child had at Surfs Up ISR with Ivy and Dalton. Their expertise and ​genuine care for Holleigh created a positive environment, making ​our little one feel right at home. It has truly been a game changer for ​our family. Our summers spent at the beach and pool are now even ​more enjoyable, knowing that she has mastered self-rescue skills. ​The peace of mind Surfs Up ISR provides is invaluable, allowing us ​to fully enjoy our summer while our child is equipped with crucial ​water safety skills. We are forever thankful for the outstanding team ​at Surfs Up ISR! I could not recommend them enough!

Harrison & Kell​ie Grant

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I can't recommend Surf's Up ISR enough! Ivy and Dalton are amazing! They are ​the most amazing team and work so well with the kids. My 20 month old ​daughter absolutely loves Ivy and was excited to go every day. She learned live ​saving skills in just 6 weeks, and she's now able to float like a pro. It's so natural ​to her now. Their communication is fantastic. My mother-in-law is the person ​who took my daughter to lessons each day, so I didn't get to witness too much ​first hand, but I received several pictures via text that just made my day! They ​even gave me the opportunity to come in after her 6 weeks were up because ​they knew I had the week off and allowed me to see all her progress. I didn't ​even have to ask, they just offered. I love that their set up is indoors, so weather ​is never an issue. This program is a must if you have a pool. The peace of mind I ​have knowing my daughter knows what to do should she accidentally fall in the ​pool is priceless!

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Shannon McEntyre

I cannot stress enough the importance of ISR and the self rescue skills it can ​equip your little ones with! As a nurse I have seen the absolute worst end to ​those “what if” scenarios and as a parent, few things terrify me more. Ivy and ​Dalton with Surf's Up ISR are fantastic! They are full of knowledge and passion ​for ISR and amazing with kids. From the very first brief interaction with my ​littles they were developing a trusting relationship that led to an experience ​that far surpassed my expectations. Both my children grew to love and respect ​the water while being equipped to survive an aquatic accident, should the ​circumstance ever arise. It is the type of thing you hope they never need but ​you certainly don’t want them to need the skills and not have them. This was ​the best investment for my children’s safety and I could not have imagined ​better people to teach them! Thank you Ivy and Dalton! We cannot wait to see ​you for refreshers!

Nichole & Kenny Deaton

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Meet the instructors

Meet the instructors

Dalton Whitmore & Ivy Whitmore

Dalton Whitmore & Ivy Whitmore

Dalton I grew up here in Dallas GA and spent most of my childhood around water Whether it was wakeboarding at Lake Allatoona swimming at the pool or being at the beach the water was always the place my family would adventure to It s hard to even think about a time I wasn t near a body of water Luckily my parents took precautions to make sure my brother and I were always safe and had confidence near the water As I got older I realized not everyone had the same opportunity to learn to swim and stay safe in the water Teaching children life saving skills has become a passion of mine I m very grateful for the opportunity to help children grow their confidence and skills that can potentially save their life if they are put in a situation where it is needed
Ivy When I was three I had a near drowning accident in which you never expect to happen to you or someone you know We were at our friends pool swimming and we were getting ready to pack up and leave for the day My mom took the floaties off my arms so I sat on the top stairs while she finished packing the pool bag like we always did When my mom turned around all she saw was my hair floating on the top of the water She immediately jumped into the pool and grabbed me When she got me out I coughed out a mouth full of water Then I wanted to nap anytime I was sick or not feeling well I wanted to nap By the time we got home I was already asleep so my mom called 911 At this time she couldn t wake me up but my breathing and all seemed fine When the first responders arrived they rushed me to the hospital My oxygen levels were extremely low but were able to regulate pretty quickly The first responders told my family that if I had not coughed all of the water out when I got out of the pool they don t know if I would have made it This is a full circle moment for me as I am now able to teach children life saving skills while also being a child of a near drowning experience It really goes to show that freak accidents happen to anyone at any given time

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are lessons 5 days per week and for only 10 minutes?

  • The reason for this is multifaceted. First, repetition and consistency are crucial elements of learning for young ​children. Research shows that short, more frequent lessons result in higher retention. Second, most children have ​fairly short attention spans and will not be able to focus on the task for longer and we want to take advantage of ​the best time for learning. A third reason is that, though the pool temperature is maintained at 78-88 degrees, the ​temperature is still lower than your child's body temperature. Lessons are hard work so the kids will also be losing ​body heat. Instructors check students regularly for temperature fatigue since this is an indicator of physical fatigue. ​This schedule has proven to be successful with over 14 million ISR lessons across the United States!

Why does it take 6-7 weeks for my child to learn this?

  • The 6-7 weeks is an estimate that is based on the average time in which it takes most children to learn these ​survival skills. Every child is unique and ISR’s Self Rescue program is specifically designed based on your child’s ​individual strengths and needs. It is important to realize that this is an average which means that some children will ​actually finish more quickly while others will need more practice. ISR is dedicated to safety and, therefore, we want ​to provide your child with the time and best opportunity to become proficient in his/her survival skills. We will ​always honor your child’s needs.

Why do you have the children swim in clothes?

  • Because 86% of children, who fall in the water, do so fully clothed, we want our students to have experience with ​such a situation. If a child has experienced the sensation of being in the water in clothing prior to an emergency ​situation, he/she is less likely to experience panic and be able to focus on the task at hand. If you have ever jumped ​in the water with clothes on, then you know that there is a significant difference in weight and feel with clothes as ​opposed to a bathing suit.

Will my child actually learn how to swim?

  • Yes. At ISR, we believe that part of survival for a child who can walk is swimming. Children learn the swim-float-​swim sequence so that they could get themselves to safety. The difference in our program is that they will learn ​swimming AND survival skills and how to be an aquatic problem solver.

How can you teach babies and young children to hold their breath and to swim?

  • Breath-holding skills are taught in the first lesson. We shape breath control using highly effective positive ​reinforcement techniques. We continue to reinforce these breath-holding techniques throughout every lesson.

ISR instructors teach infants to swim by honoring each child's individual strengths and experiences. They understand ​the fundamentals of the behavioral sciences, child development and of sensorimotor learning as it relates to the ​acquisition of aquatic survival skills; they use this education to guide each child through the sequence of learning to ​swim and float.

Can you make my child "drown-proof"?"

  • No swimming program should ever profess that it is able to drown-proof a child. The best way to keep children ​safe around the water is to include several layers of protection. Survival swimming lessons have helped many ​children save their own lives when they "got out of sight for just a second". However, lessons should never ​replace adult supervision, pool fences and alarms, and CPR training.

How do the kids react during the first few lessons?

  • Children often fuss during the first few lessons because they are in a new environment and around new people. ​As your child becomes more confident in his/her ability in the water, the fussing will decrease.

It is not unlike the first time you tried a new exercise class, or were asked to perform a task at work that you’d never ​done before: the first time you try a new task it is always challenging until you get the hang of it. It is the same for ​your young child. Your child is learning to perform a skill that he/she’s never done before.

Are swimming lessons for infants and young children safe?

  • YES! ISR is dedicated to safety and maintaining numerous safety protocols to promote safe lessons. Your child's ​health and well-being are our highest priority and are closely monitored on a daily basis. In addition, your child's ​medical and developmental history is a mandatory part of the ISR national registration process, all of which is ​held strictly confidential. All ISR instructors undergo intensive and rigorous training that far exceeds any other ​training program of this kind. Each ISR instructor is also required to attend a yearly re-certification symposium ​that includes quality control as well as continuing education. Your education in the area of aquatic safety for your ​entire family is an integral part of your child's lessons. You will receive access to the "Parent Resource Guide", ​written by Dr. Harvey Barnett and JoAnn Barnett, which will inform you of every aspect of swimming for infants ​and children.

With research, you will find that ISR is the safest survival swimming program but also the most effective for teaching ​infants and young children.

What is the AAP's position on swimming lessons for young children?

  • In May of 2010, the AAP has now changed it's policy regarding the age at which children may start swimming ​lessons, based on research stating that swim lessons may actually provide reduction in drowning risk of children ​ages 1- to 4-years-old. That study, “Association Between Swimming Lessons and Childhood Drowning” published ​in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, March, 2009, by Brenner et. al. was the first study to probe ​the relationship between drowning reduction and swimming skills. That study concluded that, “Participation in ​formal swimming lessons was associated with an 88% reduction in the risk of drowning in the 1- to 4-year-old ​children…” The AAP encourages parent's to consider that starting water-survival skills training at an early age ​must be individualized, based on the child's frequency of exposure to water, emotional maturity, physical ​limitations and health concerns related to swimming pools.

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out if you have any ​questions or need more information about ​our lessons!




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